Truth Bomb 💣 Tuesday: From Diesel Fumes to Old Spice

Matty was known as the go-to guy for cars, a superior mechanic.  His dog-like sense of hearing allowed him to actually diagnose certain car problems as they passed him by.  People were so impressed by his top quality work and extremely generous rates that they highly recommended him to family and friends.  Although Matty had a full-time job, he often could be found working on the vehicle of the many people he knew, as the word “No” did not exist in his vocabulary.

Squatting on an old, beat up milk crate in his driveway, Matty reluctantly texted his wife to inform her he had another side job but promised that he would be finished before she returned home from work.  His nicked up, scarred fingers dragged slowly along the buttons until finally reaching the send key.  While waiting for her reply, he rubbed his snarling wolf tattoo on his bicep as he often did when he became nervous.  The alert tone buzzed and swifter than a blink of an eye, Matty flipped open his phone and read her reply.  Gradually his broad shoulders began to ease as the tension melted like the new fallen snow as the sun warms the earth.  His thin lips raised into the infamous grin of the Cheshire cat, straight polished white teeth and all.  With his confidence now fully intact, it was time to get to work.

As he diligently worked under the hood, strong, freckled hands operating with the precision of a surgeon, Matty softly hummed to the Oldies station as it bellowed from the radio.  A guttural laugh escaped his lips and a devilish twinkle gleamed in his hazel eyes as an ad for erectile dysfunction played over the air.  The sun beating on his brawny back like a relentless unforgiving foe, droplets slowly trickling from his crimson shaven head, Matty swiftly raised his grease speckled arm to swipe his forehead, heroically saving his tired eyes from the burn of stinging sweat.  His eyes rescued, he promptly dove back under the hood.

Feeling a great sense of accomplishment, Matty tenderly closed the hood and checked his black fireman’s watch.  He zipped into the house, up the stairs, ripped off his grungy clothes and hopped into the shower.  As the tainted water began to become clear and his skin was returning to its normal ghostly pallor, Matty hastily turned off the faucet, leaped out of the shower with as much grace as an almost two hundred pound man can, and delved into his beautifying ritual.

Being immersed in grease over periods of time takes a nasty toll on the skin.  Matty detested pimples, so like a good general he took defensive measures, using special creams to attack his dreaded enemy before it could best him.  After the onslaught, Matty happily continued to prime himself while vividly imagining what the promising night would bring.

Donning the final touches, Matty magically transformed his masculine scent from diesel fumes to Old Spice.

Truth bomb 💣 time:

  1. This was the first of the writing assignments I had in the class I took way back in 2011. My god, how time flies. The assignment: describe a person in your life through a 500 word story. I truly hope I depicted my Matty. Reading it still brings me back and makes me smile.

  2. Matty still is a work horse. Although he doesn’t work on cars as much as he used to, he now keeps busy with OT and house projects- omg the house projects are never ending.

  3. One more writing assignment from the past and then I’ve shared all of them with you. I hope you’ve enjoyed them, resonate with them, and perhaps have had more of a glimpse of me through my writing.


My reasoning in writing these posts are to not only hopefully amuse you, but allow you to get to know me, (my thoughts, opinions, & personality), and perhaps feel a connection- so as to not feel crazy or alone- as we often sometimes do. As always, take what I say with a grain of salt- if it resonates awesome and if it doesn’t then let it go.

Much love and appreciation 🙏🏻💜


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