Truth Bomb 💣 Tuesday: Tattoo Teresa

People have their own thoughts and feelings about tattoos and those that decide to get inked have various personal reasons. This post is about mine.

I love ink- to me tattoos are amazing pieces of art, our body the canvas. Each piece allows a glimpse of my inner world, continuing journey, connections and authentic self.

When I was 18, my father and I talked about getting our first tattoos together. Fast forward 3 years, it still hadn’t happened so I ended up saying yes to a tattoo outing with friends. Feeling a little guilty and unsure of what my dad would think, I didn’t tell him and being November it was covered so I was in the clear. Winter and Spring came and went- Summer had arrived, dad was still clueless. I had contemplated telling him by gifting him a tattoo Teresa barbie with her tattoo placed in the same area as mine while saying “Me and this doll share more than a name.” But the timing was never right.

One particular hot summer day, I was relaxing in the pool when dad came home from work early.

“What’s that on your leg?”

Honestly at this point I was so used to the tattoo, I didn’t realize what he was talking about and I started to brush my legs thinking there was some debris.

“That had better be the kind that washes off.” he warned.

“I’m in the pool rubbing it, do you see it coming off at all?” I shot back as I realized what he was talking about.

“Tracy, only 2 types of girls get tattoos- biker chicks & sluts.”

To which I smartly replied, “Well, I ain’t no biker chick.”, followed by a wicked grin.

Some time passed, dad and I had a bonding experience of finally getting a tattoo together.

All of my ink has a story. There are so many fond memories and funny stories with each piece, I could go on and on. But I won’t. If you want to know more about any of my experiences with tattoos feel free to reach out and ask. I love talking about them.

Here’s the fun truth bomb 💣. I was petrified of needles. As a child and teen, I would go out of my way to avoid needles and when I had to have them it would take a few people to practically hold me down. I know that tattoo needles and medical needles are different; however, after receiving my first tattoo it really helped me overcome my needle fear.

Also, I’d just like to answer the question- “do they hurt?”.

As everyone is unique, so too are their experiences. Personally- different areas have different pain levels. Some were easy peasy, as in I almost fell asleep. Others, had me questioning wtf was I doing- I’m never doing this again- but alas I did.

I look at it this way- yes it may hurt for awhile both during and possibly after, but the pain is only temporary and something magical and beautiful came from that pain- and to me it’s worth it.


My reasoning in writing these posts are to not only hopefully amuse you, but allow you to get to know me, and perhaps feel a connection- so as to not feel crazy or alone- as we often sometimes do. As always, take what I say with a grain of salt- if it resonates awesome and if it doesn’t then let it go.

Much love and appreciation 🙏🏻💜


Truth Bomb 💣 Tuesday: Being an Odd Duck 🦆 & Dealing with High Blood Pressure


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