Truth Bomb đź’Ł Tuesday: Spirit Animal, Totem Animal, or Animal Visitor?


My reasoning in writing these posts are to not only hopefully amuse you, but allow you to get to know me, (my thoughts, opinions, & personality), and perhaps feel a connection- so as to not feel crazy or alone- as we often sometimes do. As always, take what I say with a grain of salt- if it resonates awesome and if it doesn’t then let it go.

Much love and appreciation 🙏🏻💜

Chances are you’ve heard or came across at least one of these terms involving animals and spirituality. Many times, the terms Spirit & Totem animal are used interchangeably. It can become a little confusing.

Here are the meanings that resonate with me and how I use them in my work.

Spirit Animal: these animals make themselves known in meditation, dreams, come through during sessions, and sometimes appear in our everyday life by crossing our path and the encounter may stand out. These animals come in with a message, guidance, a lesson for that particular point in our life. They come and go, as needed to help us along our journey. A Spirit Animal may only be with us a brief amount of time or may linger depending on its purpose, it may leave and come back later as a reminder or we may never see it again.

Totem Animals on the other hand, we are born with. They are a part of us and who we are. We often share their gifts, characteristics, and such. We have an innate connection with and to our totem animal, we are drawn to them and often they are drawn to us. Even if you’re not sure about your totem animal/s, when they make themselves known via meditation, a dream, or session we start to feel that familial connection.

Animal Visitors are simply those loved ones that have passed, coming through in animal form or sending a particular animal our way to say hello, watch over, protect us, and remind us we are not alone and their spirit lives on. We may see these animal visitors in every day life, or they may show up consistently in dreams, pictures, or even talked about.

Hopefully even if these “definitions” don’t resonate, I have explained them well enough that you catch my drift.

Truth Bomb đź’Ł time:

* Every morning I meditate I receive messages from spirit animals and record them in my journal.

* More often than not, spirit animals will come through during energy sessions for clients and I will share that info.

* The picture in this post is of me and my friend visiting Kisma Preserve in Maine. I was in Heaven meeting my totem- the wolf. When I hear wolves howl, it doesn’t make a difference if it’s in nature or on a recording, I feel it in my soul, a call to home.

* Both spirit animals & totem animals can be animals that are extinct or mythological. My Matty is wooly mammoth 🦣

*As for my animal visitors, Grammy is always white butterfly, Matty’s dad either a Monarch butterfly or dragonfly, my dad is a hawk.

* I have plenty of fun stories about all of these encounters, too much to go on about. But please if you’re curious feel free to reach out and ask.

Much love and appreciation 🙏🏻💜


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