September News

I hope this blog finds you and yours happy and healthy. It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down and fall is fast approaching.

Quite honestly, I love the fall- the colors, the smells, sights, tastes are delightful. At the same time, I feel it’s a time of transition and although transitions can lead to growth, they can still be difficult. It’s a time to remember to keep up your self care, however that may look for you.

The image below is a quick list of upcoming events. Full details can be found here on the events page.

Mentoring and The Chakra series are still open and available, as is the opportunity to create a unique workshop tailored to your groups interests.

As always if you have any questions, or would like to schedule any of my services don’t hesitate to contact me.

Have a magical month.

Much love and appreciation 🙏🏻💜


Truth Bomb 💣 Tuesday: Revenge of the Anal Demons & more Medical Hoopla


Truth Bomb 💣 Tuesday: Spirit Animal, Totem Animal, or Animal Visitor?