Truth Bomb đź’Ł Tuesday: Revenge of the Anal Demons & more Medical Hoopla

Here we are, 6 months after my surgery and basically I’m right back to where I started from. Yup, the anal demons are back and quite frankly the lil monsters can stay there.

I’m not saying I enjoy them by any means, and I will continue to try and find non-invasive measures of either eliminating them or at least keeping the beasts at bay. However, another surgery is not in the cards.

Ironically, when I was recently looking into alternatives, I came across a supplement with only 3 ingredients. Of course I was exhausted at the time, and per my usual ordered only doing minimal research. The next morning I realized perhaps I should investigate more and to my chagrin realized in the fine print it mentions people on heart meds shouldn’t take it. Now I’m not exactly on a “heart med”; however my blood pressure medication is often used for one.

As I looked further into it, trying to find if my exact med was contraindicated, I found some other useful information that would have benefited me earlier on. I found numerous forums of people on my particular med with stories resembling my own. Many of them mentioned their doctors didn’t believe in the correlation so they took matters into their own hands. The findings were when they stopped taking the blood pressure medication their anal demons either calmed down or disappeared all together.

After reading this, I did the math. I’ve been dealing with anal demons on and off for many moons; however, it wasn’t until the meds the unrelenting havoc took place, (I’ll spare you the exact details). I figured perhaps after talking with the doctor and figuring out an alternative plan, I’d be able to take the supplement but alas it contains horse chest and apparently anyone with a latex allergy should avoid horse chestnut. So, I’m out. Anyone interested in trying a natural supplement for anal demons- hit me up- as I now have 2 unopened bottles I can’t return.

As you can imagine, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor. I figured since I was seeing her might as well tell her about my dizziness, numbness and tingles mostly on my left side, and headaches- thinking perhaps these were also symptoms from the meds that my body apparently doesn’t like.

Long story short- I’m off the blood pressure med, back to monitoring every day trying a more natural approach. The numbness and tingling- tight muscles impinging nerves, and the headaches and dizziness from allergies. Apparently, I had fluid in my ears.

And so my health journey continues…

Truth Bomb đź’Ł time:

  • I really need to stop “sleep shopping”. It’s a nasty habit, I continue to work on as it really doesn’t do me any good.

  • Some of you may have heard me joking about having a poop đź’© party once I was more let’s just say “regular or normal”. I started planning one and almost put it to a halt because I’m not there yet. But then I realized so many people have been having tough times and are in need of “shits & giggles” myself included. Plus I figure this will help manifest I’m ready to be healed in that department- so the party’s on.

  • Although I’m not a huge fan of western medicine and have a rough time with doctors, I’ve found one I can work with. She listens and works with me to figure out the best plan possible. She even agreed with me smiling, as I explained to her what I’ve told Matty and my friends about having another surgery. The way I look at it is this- even if I’m told I’ll die if I don’t have surgery I’m going to ask how much time I have left and enjoy that time to it’s fullest. Truth be told it’s not the surgery itself, that’s easy peasy- it’s the recovery time and there’s no way in hell I’m doing it again especially when there’s no guarantee the demons won’t come back.

  • A lesson I learned through all of this- be your own advocate, do your own research, ask questions. Things I wish I did earlier- but at least I know now.


My reasoning in writing these posts are to not only hopefully amuse you, but allow you to get to know me, (my thoughts, opinions, & personality), and perhaps feel a connection- so as to not feel crazy or alone- as we often sometimes do. As always, take what I say with a grain of salt- if it resonates awesome and if it doesn’t then let it go.

Much love and appreciation 🙏🏻💜


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